September 21, 2022 7 min read
We could often get in a rut when trying to look into what we need and how to fulfill these needs for ourselves. There are many forms of self-care. Self-care is like speaking your own love language to yourself. (Read: How to Create a Balanced Self-Care Routine: 5 Kinds of Self-Care and Why You Need Them) Some days it could be easy to figure out exactly what we need to do in order to feel fulfilled, energized, and happy. On the days that it could be quite hard to figure it out, here is a fun little quiz that could put you on the path of the kind of self-care you need right now.
Let’s start with checking in with how you are feeling right now, or how you have been feeling most of the time recently.
A. I’m feeling mostly good overall, maybe a little snack would be nice, too!
B. I have been feeling exhausted emotionally. I’ve been spending a lot of my energy being there for others.
C. I have been feeling really stressed about my finances and that takes up a lot of my energy these days.
D. I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things I have to do to keep my life together.
E. I feel lost about my purpose, and figuring that out has been weighing on me.
There is something you do almost by default when you are depleted. What is that for you?
A. I just take a quick break, maybe a nap or go to bed earlier if my schedule allows it.
B. I take some time to just be in my own company. Watching one of my favorite sitcoms seems to take my exhaustion away.
C. I order in dinner and have a glass of wine on particularly exhausting weekdays.
D. I take a quick break, then plan out the next day so I can possibly make more time to really rest tomorrow.
E. I allow myself some time to browse social media.
Spending time alone can be a luxury for many. What’s your favorite way to spend that precious time when you do get it?
A. I wish I could have more time to prepare healthy meals.
B. I wish I could spend more time alone and just being on my own.
C. I wish I could get myself nice things more often.
D. I wish I could cross out everything on my to-do list, so I could just chill.
E. I wish I could spend more time learning something I’ve always wanted to learn.
There are some things that loom over our heads like a cloud sometimes and doing the thing will be the only way to get rid of it. Which one is that task for you?
If your best friend came to you asking for advice for how to deal with burnout and feeling a lack of motivation, what do you often say or do?
We hear it all the time! Even our Blog is called Treat Yo Self. But what does it mean to you?
We have 24 hours in a day and for many of us, we are pulled in many different directions when it comes to spending that time. What do you prioritize?
A. I prioritize spending my time on rest, working out, and prepping my meals.
Balance in this world of both excess and scarcity seems to be elusive, but what do you think would make you feel more balanced in life?
Routines are things we do regularly to help us get to a particular goal and to establish our lifestyle. What is your goals for creating a self-care routine?
If you answered mostly As, you may need to spend more time doing physical self-care. Of course, it’s important because the body enables you to do things and experience life. Physical self-care can include getting more rest, making more time to move your body, or indulging in a long baths ideally with a fabulous bath bomb like the Flower Bombshell Bath Bomb. It’s going to wrap you up in luscious floral scents and be a treat to your senses. It’s going to give you soft, supple, softly perfumed skin as well. What could be better?
If you answered mostly Bs, you may need to indulge in some emotional self-care. Emotional self-care looks different for each person, so it will help to pause and ask yourself what will really make you feel happy and at peace. On one hand, you may be spending a lot of your time and energy on interacting with other people. Your social life may be very active. If this is the case, it will serve you to pull your energy back one in a while and recharge. On the other hand, you may be spending too much time on your own and you are craving authentic connections and opportunities to socialize. In this case, it will help to call a friend and have some cocktails and laughs with the Guava Daiquiri Candle lit in the background to set the mood for conversations where you can be yourself.
If you answered mostly Cs, you may need to allot some time for financial self care. This is not to say that you are not able to manage your finances well. Maybe it’s actually time for you to loosen up your belt and treat yourself to some nice things. You deserve it! To start, you can get yourself a Queen Bee Candle , to reaffirm being the Queen of your world. It will be well worth it, for in those days where you may need a little more inspiration to go for your financial goals, lighting it will help you remember who you are!
If you answered mostly Ds, you may need to do more practical self-care. Practical self-care is doing some unglamorous, but necessary things. It doesn’t have to be a bummer though! Blast your 90s and 80s playlist and light a gorgeous candle like the Cherry Blossom Candle to make it fun. Cap it off with having a fun bath with the Lemon Custard Whipped Soap to cap your day off and energise you to do more things if you so wish.
If you answered mostly Es, this may be a sign for you to engage in spiritual self-care, which basically just means to spend more time focusing on things that make you feel alive. What that means is different for each person, and even then, for each individual what makes you feel alive can be many different things. It’s really important to connect with this part of you so you are able to do everything else with purpose. If you’re looking to learn a new hobby or go on adventure, you can light the I Am Enough Candle to affirm that you are worthy of these enriching experiences you seek, while you browse interesting courses or Air BnBs in Bali.
This was just a way to look into the self-care you might need, but ultimately the decision is yours. You are the only person who knows what you need, and in many cases, you are the only one who can fulfill these needs as well. What matters is you take a moment, every once in a while, lean in and really ask yourself what you need. These needs shift and change over time, so make sure that you do these self-checks regularly to keep up with the fabulous life that you are building.